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For the last 20 years, we've been preparing our companies for the future. But now we know that it's not just impossible, it's wrong! Join this session and reflect on how future-oriented companies are leading their own disruption and building the next legacy, with Rui Coutinho, Professor at Nova SBE Executive Education and Executive Director of Nova SBE's Innovation Ecosystem.
Cada vez mais as organizações reconhecem o valor estratégico do departamento de RH, não estivesse a sua influência e papel na transformação organizacional a crescer continuamente. Junte-se a esta conversa que irá refletir sobre os desafios do novo Gestor de Recursos Humanos e partilhar quais as ferramentas e competências que fazem uma equipa capaz de responder a desafios presentes e futuros com uma estratégia bem elaborada, promovendo um ambiente de trabalho saudável e produtivo.
Nesta sessão de webinar session, apresentamos-lhe o Certificado de Coaching Executivo que existe no nosso portefólio, com a certificação de Henley Business School e ainda uma tripla acreditação única em Portugal. Conheça os testemunhos e a experiência de Pedro Brito, alumnus da Pós-Graduação em Coaching Executivo da Nova SBE Executive Education, e Margarida Barreto, Alumna do Professional Certificate in Coahcing da Henley Business School, na sua jornada de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional através do coaching. Numa conversa informal, moderada pela Coordenadora Executiva do Certificado, Alexandra Barosa-Pereira, ficará a conhecer o programa e qual a mais-valia do mesmo, na forma como foi um game changer na vida dos seus participantes.
Qual será a melhor estratégia de vendas que posso adotar? O que priorizar na minha estratégia de desenvolvimento do negócio? Numa sessão conduzida pelo Professor Jorge Velosa, Coordenador Científico do programa intensivo Sales Strategy & Business Development, conheça as respostas a estas questões, quais as novas realidades de vendas e os desafios dos preços que enfrentamos no contexto atual.
O sucesso de uma negociação depende, em larga medida, da criação de relações de confiança. Este webinar incide sobre quando confiar na outra parte e, quando confiam em nós, como retribuir essa confiança. Junte-se ao Professor Catedrático da Nova SBE, Luís Almeida Costa, Coordenador Científico do programa executivo Negociação Avançada, e fique a conhecer os resultados de um conjunto de experiências realizadas com alunos de turmas de MBA e Executivos de topo conduzidos no INSEAD, analisando os elementos fundamentais da confiança, credibilidade e ceticismo num processo de negociação.
Junte-se aos docentes do programa Liderar a Transformação Digital: João Castro, Supervisor Académico do Nova SBE Digital Experience Lab, e Sara Gomes, AI Strategy Manager na Accenture, para refletir sobre as tendências e desafios para a transformação digital em 2022.
Neste webinar vamos discutir quais as Novas Realidades em vendas, novas formas de interação com clientes e Omnicanal e novas competências. Contaremos também com um convidado especial e docente no programa, Gonçalo Bernardes - Customer Development Director da Unilever – que irá partilhar na primeira pessoa a sua experiência da Pool Profit conjunta de Retalhistas e Produtores.
O nome do próprio webinar é o mote que lança esta sessão do professor Pedro Oliveira, coordenador científico da Pós-Graudação em Inovação & Empreendedorismo, que explicará como é possível desbloquear a inovação nas organizações, através de uma uma base metodológica sólida e orientada para a ação, seja nas suas empresas ou na criação de um novo negócio.
Descubra as principais tendências digitais que poderão influenciar a Customer Journey do seu negócio. Um webinar em parceria com a Fullisx, a agência líder de marketing digital em Portugal.
O que precisamos para lidar com um contexto extremamente incerto e volátil? Desenvolver um Pensamento Exponencial. Pedro Brito, Associate Dean para Executive Education e Business Transformation da Nova SBE e Felipe Lamounier, Co-fundador da StartSE convidam-no a reflectir sobre como nos podemos inspirar nas grandes transformações das maiores empresas de Silicon Valley e do mundo de forma a estarmos mais preparados para os desafios do futuro.
Founder e CEO da ALVA Research and Consulting e coordenador do programa "Cenários & Exploração Estratégica do Futuro", António Alvarenga, convida Gonçalo Gaiolas, VP of Product da OutSystems, o novo sponsor do programa, para refletir sobre os desafios que os profissionais enfrentam e como preparar uma estratégia de futuro neste contexto incerto.
Quais os desafios de liderança remota em contextos de elevada incerteza? O professor Milton de Sousa apresenta um estudo conduzido pela Nova SBE sobre os efeitos da liderança centrada nas pessoas ao nível da motivação durante da 1ª onda da pandemia e quais as lições a retirar para a liderança no futuro pós-COVID-19.
O Coordenador Científico do programa Corporate Governance: Liderança de Boards, Duarte Pitta Ferraz, convida Raul Galamba, Presidente do Conselho de Administração dos CTT - Correios de Portugal, S.A, como novo sponsor do programa, para refletirem sobre os desafios que os Boards atravessam neste contexto atual de incerteza através de perguntas difíceis sobre liderança de Boards.
O coordenador científico do programa Big Data & Business Analytics, Carlos Daniel Santos, convida um alumnus do programa, Joaquim Falcão de Lima, para refletirem sobre a importância do data science nos dias de hoje, onde o digital domina qualquer negócio.
Co-Founder da Raize e coordenador do programa Inovação & Concorrência em FinTech , Afonso Eça, convida Duarte Líbano Monteiro, Country Manager da Ebury, para refletir sobre o futuro da banca juntamente com as FinTech: concorrência ou coabitação?
O coordenador científico do programa "Gestão de Empresas Familiares", Alexandre Dias da Cunha, convida Heinz-Peter Elstrodt, Membro do CA da Semapa 2019/2020, Faculty Member at London Business School e membro do CA do Family Firm Institute, como novo sponsor do programa, para refletir sobre os atuais desafios de sucessão existentes nas empresas familiares.
O coordenador científico do programa "Planeamento Estratégico", Emanuel Gomes, juntamente com o professor João Silveira Lobo, convida António Casanova, CEO das joint-ventures @ Unilever FIMA e Gallo Worldwide, como novo sponsor do programa, para refletir sobre a importância do planeamento estratégico para as organizações, e como o fazer, em contextos incertos e dinâmicos.
O Diretor de e-Commerce da PepsiCo Europa e coordenador do programa "Gestão de e-Commerce 360º", Rui Francisco, convida Filipe Santiago, Senior Partner da BlueShift, o novo sponsor do programa, para refletir sobre a importância que o e-Commerce tem atualmente em Portugal para os negócios em vários setores.
Conheça a perspectiva de Catherine da Silveira, professora da Nova SBE em Marketing e Gestão de Marcas, e Cristina Amaro, fundadora da Imagens de Marca e da Empower Brands Community, sobre a forma como as empresas podem e devem acompanhar as tendências à medida que os próprios consumidores evoluem.
As COVID-19 triggers System Change as a popular approach, from economy to agriculture, why is it a pathway to sustainability and what do organizations need to engage into it?
Trends in customer service: who is winning and who is losing. Insights on the trends for customer service activity that we are observing within different industries in our days.
Innovation is all about value creation. Are your innovation activities delivering value during this pandemic?
This webinar clarifies why Human Resilience is a SUPER competence that improves us in other leadership capabilities. We’ll define it and apply it to the six Domains of Resilience.
Friday night used to mean renting a movie at Blockbuster; but Netflix and others have changed that. As education faces its own Netflix moment how can they avoid Blockbuster’s fate?
Know how to unfold unknown business opportunities in times of crisis as creating shared value and stakeholder approach becomes essential in the business world to overcome COVID-19.
With Israeli TravelTech ecosystem as benchmark, we’ll find out how technology will play a key role in the future of the hospitality industry after COVID-19.
We will discuss the financial situation of the Portuguese banking sector and how it affects the type of relationship that will exist between banks and current and future debtors.
Humanizing work for GenZ in the age of Greta and Corona. Connecting work with purpose. A brainstorm of new models of remote work for GenZ, a generation of digital natives.
Join the fourth conference on relaunching our economy with António Redondo, Carlos Moreira da Silva, Luís de Castro Henriques and Paulo Portas, moderated by Daniel Traça.
How can we build strategy-relevant scenarios and what can we learn from the hands on experience of GALP and Nova SBE Executive Education?
Flip it - turn your life upside down and make it through the storm. We no longer have a box, everything changed. Did you?
Learn the mindset, strategies, and resources that will enable you to re-imagine and reinvent your approach to the future during a time when there are more questions than answers.
What lessons on sustainability can we learn with this crisis? Is the trend towards a more sustainable economy at risk? Or is this a new opportunity to change?
This session will help leaders understand what the organizational immune system does and why so many digital transformation and innovation programs fail or underperform.
We will discuss, as stress and uncertainty levels rise, a particularly pervasive type of stress, technostress, created by the use of remote communication and IT to work.
As we are confined at home, online sales have boomed. Join us to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on e-Commerce and how organizations should prioritize this channel’s expansion.
Join the third conference on relaunching our economy with Carla Nunes, Céu Mateus, Miguel Guimarães, Pedro Oliveira and Pedro Pita Barros, moderated by Daniel Traça.
Is it really possible to reskill professionals into technical roles? Gilmar Lima, a former Telecomm Service Manager turned Developer at the age of 36, will share his story.
Join the discussion with Eurico Brilhante Dias, António Henriques da Silva, Emanuel Gomes and Fernando Ferreira, moderated by Carlos Rosado de Carvalho.
As online shopping increases, it is time to revisit customer satisfaction opportunities, seamlessly across all channels which we can use, in new and profitable ways.
This session will help you think about the basics of exponential technologies. We will explore sectors that grew exponentially and reflect on impact and the required responsibility
How to maintain or even improve corporate reputation in times of a pandemic? A question. Three perspectives. Measure to manage. Manage to overcome. Communicate to survive.
Join the second conference on relaunching our economy with José Theotónio, Luís Araújo, Margarida Almeida, Sérgio Guerreiro and Thierry Ligonnière, moderated by Daniel Traça.
We will explore the link between levels of consciousness and leadership and how to become an integral leader during the post-modern age (VUCA era) and particularly this pandemic.
This webinar will focus on the 4 principles of excelling in execution: focus, integration, alignment and behavior.
Join the debate on the strategic importance of sustainability and COVID-19’s impact in companies and financial institutions with two of our financial market’s prominent executives.
We might be living a “discontinuity” in human history. In discontinuities, our values and paradigms basically shift. So, what happens in discontinuities? What new patterns emerge?
Procurement and supply chain is more challenging than ever in a context of complex and multi-layered networks, where fierce competition and profitability pressure increase risk.
Join the first conference on relaunching our economy with Cristina Campos, João Talone, Manuel Caldeira Cabral, Miguel Ferreira and Vasco de Mello, moderated by Daniel Traça.
To listen, talk and be both clear and effective are key in the Communication era we are living in. However, discommunication is particularly challenging in times of crisis.
Health tourism exports had been a way to enhance destination brand, stimulate job growth, and improve balance of trade. How will this change after COVID-19?
Which role has social innovation played in this pandemic? What about technology? Is this new entrepreneur movement here to stay?
In a VUCA+H context (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous & Hyper connected), leaders are facing unprecedented challenges. How do you decide? How do you react? How do you lead?
Confinement and its sources of stress create a rare opportunity to take a deep dive into our own minds, towards freedom. Go from mindfully leading self to mindfully leading others.
This session will help organizations rethink how they plan, prioritize, and execute for a complex and uncertain future, using experimentation as a business practice.
How are B2B sales reacting, coping and planning to mitigate the current landscape and volatility? In other words, how are they navigating business as (un)usual?
A conversation about innovation, culture and technology: a fast intro to innovation methods and cases, complemented by a set of recommended books for those willing to dive deeper.
A novelty to a traditional way of operational management in healthcare that creates challenges to the teams and all stakeholders who integrate a patient care pathway delivery.
Tomorrow will challenge us in ways we cannot foresee. This webinar looks at the leaders we need for an unknowable tomorrow: what must they do and be to lead through it?
If you’re leading a team for the next few months, the goal is clear: you need to support your team to become a self-regulating, self-managing and self-sustaining tribe.
Explore the basics of exponential technologies, while reflecting about the responsibility and opportunity of being exponential and the impact that option has on business.
High performing teams in healthcare services were admitting and discussing their errors and failures – because they felt safe to talk about them, and thus learn and improve.
We will look into the microeconomic impacts and company responses for the Covid-19 pandemic and what are the main recommendations.
Learn to lead on the edge, so that you release the creative genius in your colleagues.
If necessity is the mother of inventions, it makes sense that contexts of high necessity (such a pandemic) are also prolific in innovation.
How will this pandemic affect companies and society itself? What changes? Which new trends are arising? Join the conversation on this paradigm shift’s analysis.
After the current epidemic is over (or controlled), how will health systems adjust?
What if you could hack your brain for better learning? Explore the neuroscience of learning to turn self-isolation into an opportunity to achieve mastery.
This session will explore how the current disruptions in employment, consumption and citizenship provide a tremendous opportunity for companies to reinvent themselves.
How do we make sense of life, even when what happens around us seems to make no sense? In this session, learn about the importance of perspective and reframing to be able to cope.
Learn more about the movement that started on March 14th and counts with 4000+ people: engineers, designers, marketers, health professionals, among many other specialities.
In these times of great uncertainty, explore the scenarios and foresight methodology and how it may support the decision-making process and strategy redefinition.
We will look into the macroeconomic impacts and policy responses of the Covid-19 pandemic and what to expect.
As we adjust to remote working, how do we move from turbulence and stand-by and start to re-focus our teams and organizations on the future?
The current context of uncertainty forces leaders, teams, projects and organizations, to deal with exponential paradigm shifts. But how should we react when faced with adversity?