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International Master's in


Until MARCH 22, 2024
(when enrolling via International MSc in Management)

Until April 30, 2024
(when enrolling via MSc in Management)
Apply until March 22
scholarships available
On Campus
Late August
type of study
Full time

Apply now!

Know more about this master!

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Master’s in Management
International Master’s in Management (IMM)
Master's in Finance
International Master’s in Finance (IMF)
Master’s in Economics
Master’s in Business Analytics
Master’s in Impact Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Master’s in International Development & Public Policy
Msc only
(1.5 Years)
MSc + CEMS (2 years)
Master’s in Economics
Master’s in Management
Master's in Finance
International Master’s in Management (IMM)
International Master’s in Finance (IMF)
With Double Degree
(2 years)
16 000€
16 000€
17 500€
16 000€
17 500€
with Double Degree w/ Maastricht (1.5 year)
13 000€
with Double Degree w/ EAESP – Fundação Getulio Vargas
(1.5 year)
17 000€
17 000€


• Year 1: Master’s in Management Curriculum + exclusive Career Modules + Exclusive language courses in Portuguese and Spanish.

• Year 2: Master’s Thesis by developing a Work Project with an international scope.

• Compulsory internationalization requirement via: Exchange, CEMS MIM or Double Degrees.

Welcome to the 15th best International Master’s in Management in the World

With this Master’s you will be equipped with the tools, concepts, and training to succeed in an international context.


• Year 1: Master’s in Management Curriculum + exclusive Career Modules + Exclusive language courses in Portuguese and Spanish.

• Year 2: Master’s Thesis by developing a Work Project with an international scope.

• Compulsory internationalization requirement via: Exchange, CEMS MIM or Double Degrees.

No items found.
Nova SBE CEMS MIM is part of the alliance of 33 Business Schools among the best worldwide

(10 CEMS schools in the Financial Times TOP 20 Master's in Management).

Welcome to Nova SBE

Ranked Top 15 worldwide by the Financial Times

Find out all about Nova SBE Master's Program
and get ready for a bright new Future!

Hospitality & Customer Experience

Area of Expertise

Explore Master's

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Nova SBE

Double Degrees

Explore Master's

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

CEMS Master's in


Explore Master's

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Master's in

Impact Entrepreneurship
& Innovation

Explore Master's

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Master's in

Business Analytics

Explore Master's

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Master's in

International Development
& Public Policy

Explore Master's

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

International Master's in


Explore Master's

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

International Master's in


Explore Master's

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Master's in


Explore Master's

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Master's in


Explore Master's

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Master's in


Explore Master's

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Customize your own curriculum
Go ahead and LEAD THE FUTURE!
Structure & Schedule
+ 3rd Language: level A1/A2 (only required at the end of the 2 years)
(Example: 60h Course in A1/A2 from selected institute such as Cervantes, Goethe, etc.)
Year 1
(60 ECTS)
Year 2
(30 ECTS)
Macroeconomics Analysis
(7 ECTS)
Macroeconometrics or Microeconometrics
(7 ECTS)
Microeconomics Analysis
(7 ECTS)
(7 ECTS)
STATA Module
Year 1
(60 ECTS)
Year 2
(30 ECTS)
Year 1
(60 ECTS)
Year 2
(30 ECTS)
Year 1
(60 ECTS)
Year 2
(30 ECTS)
Year 1
(60 ECTS)
Year 2
(30 ECTS)
(7 ECTS)
Financial Modeling*
(3.5 ECTS)
Empirical Methods for Finance* (3.5 ECTS)
Corporate Finance (7 ECTS)
Year 1
(60 ECTS)
Year 2
(30 ECTS)
International Relations and Organizations
(3.5 ECTS)
Public Policy I
(3.5 ECTS)
Public Policy II
(3.5 ECTS)
Politics for Policy
(3.5 ECTS)
Markets, Incentives and Behavior
(3.5 ECTS)
Development Economics I
(3.5 ECTS)
Development Economics II
(3.5 ECTS)
Statistics & Policy Action (3.5 ECTS)
Policy Appraisal
(3.5 ECTS)
Policy Evaluation for Public Policy
(3.5 ECTS)
(3.5 ECTS)
Policy Analysis exercise (3.5 ECTS)
Year 1
(60 ECTS)
Year 2
(30 ECTS)
(7 ECTS)
Financial Modeling*
(3.5 ECTS)
Empirical Methods for Finance* (3.5 ECTS)
Corporate Finance (7 ECTS)
Year 1
(60 ECTS)
Year 2
(30 ECTS)
Introduction to Python for Data Analysis
(3.5 ECTS)
Data Curation for Business Analytics
(3.5 ECTS)
Data Ecosystems and Governance in Organizations
(3.5 ECTS)
Research Methods for Business Analytics
(3.5 ECTS)
Data Visualization for Business Analytics
(3.5 ECTS)
Machine Learning
(3.5 ECTS)
Digital Strategy and Markets
(3.5 ECTS)
(3.5 ECTS)
Digital Experimentation & Causal Analysis
(3.5 ECTS)
Year 1
(60 ECTS)
Year 2
(30 ECTS)
Entrepreneurship with impact
(7 ECTS)
Entrepreneurial Project:
TA "Entrepreneurship"; TB "Innovation"
(7 ECTS)
Entrepreneurial Journey
(3.5 ECTS)
New Venture Management
(3.5 ECTS)
Metrics that Matter
(3.5 ECTS)
Data Science for Impact
(3.5 ECTS)
Opportunity Identification
(3.5 ECTS)
Innovation for Impact
(3.5 ECTS)
Applied Research Methods
(3.5 ECTS)
Term 1
Term 2
Min. 8 weeks
Nova SBE
or CEMS Partner University
CEMS Partner University
or Nova SBE
International internship
Year 1
Year 2
Mandatories and Electives Partner School
Work Project
Program may be subject to changes.
The area of expertise in Hospitality & Customer Experience also includes a complementary innovation program that will guide students on an entrepreneurial journey where they can develop creativity and their entrepreneurial skills, develop their own projects, and even potentially start their own businesses.
Areas of expertise

The 21 ECTS that need to be fulfilled with Electives can be completed through an Area of Expertise.

mandatory Courses

Fundamentals on Environment and Sustainability

Accounting and Auditing
mandatory Courses

Strategic Planning and Control

Business and Data Analytics
mandatory Courses

Data Curation

Digital Business
mandatory Courses

Introduction to Programming

Financial Management
mandatory Courses

Financial Statement Analysis

Hospitality & Customer Experience
mandatory Courses

Hospitality Trends
Digital Transformation in Hospitality
Hospitality & CX Innovation Fundamentals
Service Excellence

Innovation and Entrepreneurship
mandatory Courses


mandatory Courses

Brand Management


Integrated Marketing Communications

Operations Management
mandatory Courses

Operations Management

Sports Management
mandatory Courses

Applied Qualitative Studies

Strategy and International Business
mandatory Courses

Integrated Marketing Communications

“The hospitality and tourism industries are some of the largest in the world, generating employment, wealth and creating valuable connections between people. They are also at the forefront of challenges the world faces to become far more sustainable, protecting natureand encouraging diversity across society. The skills that students on this programme learn are the core management skills necessary for any business role, but students also learn to be leaders in the hospitality and tourism industries, as well as other related industries such as sports, events and the visitor economy. Studying on this programme we will help you to become innovative, creative, entrepreneurial and responsible citizens, ready and able to make society better in the future.”
Graham Miller
Instituto Rodrigo Guimarães Chair
Professor of Sustainable Business
Academic Director of the Westmont Institute of Tourism and Hospitality
Nova School of Business and Economics
“Pursuing my Master's in Management with a focus on Data and Business Analytics at Nova SBE has been a game-changer for my career. The program's structure is exceptionally well-designed, equipping students with a profound understanding of the pivotal role data and technology play in modern organizations. This education has honed my skills in data-driven decision-making within a business context, providing me with invaluable tools to excel in the field.”

Mónica Pereira, Data Analyst at Siemens

Bachelors in Management (2015-2018)
International Masters in Management, Major in Data and Business Analytics (2019-2021)

Professional practice as a plus in your Curriculum Vitae
Nova SBE is a member of the CFA® Institute University Affiliation Program, which is a relevant addition to a student’s Curriculum Vitae when applying for top-tier finance firms. This status is granted to higher education institutions whose degree programs incorporate at least 70 % of the Level I CFA® Program Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK), thus providing students with a solid grounding in the CBOK and helping them obtain their Chartered Financial Analyst designation.

The CFA® recognition signals potential students, prospective employers, and the marketplace that Nova SBE Master’s in Finance curriculum is closely tied to professional practice.

Nova SBE offers a unique opportunity to prepare for the internationally recognized CFA® exams during the degree. ​The scholarships reduce fees to 350$ (saving at least 800$ per exam).
Clearing the way to your future
Scholarships & Funding opportunities
Get a Scholarship for your Master’s program. We advise you to apply as early as possible.
Link to PDF
Nova SBE, in partnership with different national and international entities, annually rewards the students' academic achievements.
Income Share Agreement
Aims to support Portuguese students accessing learning programs by paying the tuition fee, which students will only reimburse when they start working.
Accredited by:
Member of:
participant in:
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