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Programa Intensivo
Intensive Program
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Inovação e Empreendedorismo


an action plan for The Next legacy.

Programa Intensivo
Intensive Program
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Inovação e Empreendedorismo


an action plan for The Next legacy.

May 2025
On demand
Carcavelos, Lisboa
3 days and a half

Six mentoring sessions (1 per week)


About this program


It’s impossible to completely future-proof an organization, and simply being futureready is not enough to guarantee its relevance, longevity, competitiveness, and sustainability. To achieve these goals, organizations need to be future-driven. This requires an Innovation Metabolism that affects the deep systems of the organization and continuously builds the next legacy.

During the 3,5 days of the program and 6 weeks of innovation coaching, you will explore disruption scenarios and run an “x-ray” to analyze your organization Innovation Metabolism: it’s Soul, Vision, Intelligence, Emotion and Ambition.

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Why choose this program

For you

  • Gain a new perspective on innovation strategy: focus on the organizational requirements for innovation.
  • Build an action plan for The Next Legacy: setup an action plan that can work on the Innovation Metabolism of your organization and identify opportunities within the disruption scenarios.
  • Gain fresh perspectives: interact with participants from different organizations, functions, and industries, and learn from their different approaches, experiences, and ideas.
  • Gain a new perspective on innovation strategy: focus on the organizational requirements for innovation.
  • Build an action plan for The Next Legacy: setup an action plan that can work on the Innovation Metabolism of your organization and identify opportunities within the disruption scenarios.
  • Gain fresh perspectives: interact with participants from different organizations, functions, and industries, and learn from their different approaches, experiences, and ideas.
  • Gain a new perspective on innovation strategy: focus on the organizational requirements for innovation.
  • Build an action plan for The Next Legacy: setup an action plan that can work on the Innovation Metabolism of your organization and identify opportunities within the disruption scenarios.
  • Gain fresh perspectives: interact with participants from different organizations, functions, and industries, and learn from their different approaches, experiences, and ideas.

For your organization

  • Redesign the organization’s DNA: through an “innovation CRISPR”, to adjust its Innovation Metabolism and have an action plan to become more future-driven.
  • Understand how to act in 5 main Innovation Metabolism vectors – purpose, leadership and strategy, structure and processes, culture and innovation management.
  • Build awareness for the disruption scenarios: create a roadmap for a strategic foresight and scenario planning.
  • Redesign the organization’s DNA: through an “innovation CRISPR”, to adjust its Innovation Metabolism and have an action plan to become more future-driven.
  • Understand how to act in 5 main Innovation Metabolism vectors – purpose, leadership and strategy, structure and processes, culture and innovation management.
  • Build awareness for the disruption scenarios: create a roadmap for a strategic foresight and scenario planning.
  • Redesign the organization’s DNA: through an “innovation CRISPR”, to adjust its Innovation Metabolism and have an action plan to become more future-driven.
  • Understand how to act in 5 main Innovation Metabolism vectors – purpose, leadership and strategy, structure and processes, culture and innovation management.
  • Build awareness for the disruption scenarios: create a roadmap for a strategic foresight and scenario planning.

What are the advantages of attending an Executive Master's Degree?

Online training

What are the advantages of attending an online program?

What people say about this program


The most valuable legacy of a leader today is to embed systemic innovation in the DNA of their organization. At Nova SBE, they are aware of this and have designed a program for us to learn how to do it.

Adolfo Corujo
Partner & Deep Digital CEO @LLYC

Applying the innovation metabolism in the innovation strategy of MEXT has been truly enriching. We have been able to shift our mindsets to actively think and act on the strategy that will enable us to become the disrupters that lead the transformation, rather than being the disrupted one.

Sílvia Mota
CEO @ Mota Engil Next

In a dynamic and accelerating industry, innovation is the lifeblood of a successful and growing organization. [At SIBS,] innovation is the engine that propels us forward, ensuring that not only we adapt to the changing tides but also we actively shape the future. Organizations that prioritize and embed innovation into their DNA position themselves to thrive, lead, and redefine the paradigms of their industry.

Madalena Cascais Tomé

I was fortunate to attend Rui’s keynote on “Future-Driven Innovation” at our company’s culture project launch event with thousands of attendees. The energizing content and timely relevance left a lasting impression. If the teaser keynote was this impactful, I’m confident the full program will be transformational.

Pinar Kulacz
Executive Director Innovation @ Arçelik Global

Excellence in connecting to the business world.

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Merit scholarships

Nova SBE offers a variety of resources to finance your master's degree so that you can complete it without facing possible financial constraints.
By providing resources and personalized assistance we want to ensure that we accompany you in your personal and professional journey.

  • Merit Scholarships (all students are eligible to apply for merit scholarships)
  • Support for Collective Entities
  • Income Share Agreement
  • Payment in installments
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  • Only candidates from accredited or recognized schools in their countries of origin will be admitted.
  • Candidates from Bachelor's programs with an academic degree in Management, Economics, Finance, Technologies, Engineering, Design and Architecture, Social Sciences, or other related scientific areas are accepted.
  • Candidates must have at least 5 years of experience in functions relevant to their academic area, preferably executives, managers, and middle management who wish to improve or update their skills in innovation/entrepreneurship.
  • English language skills are required as some of the curricular units will be taught in English.
  • Apenas serão admitidos/as candidatos/as oriundos de escolas acreditadas ou reconhecidas nos países de origem.
  • São aceites candidatos de programas de licenciatura com um grau académico em áreas científicas Gestão, Economia, Finanças, Tecnologias, Engenharia, Design e Arquitetura, Ciência Sociais, ou outras afins.
  • Os/as candidatos/as devem ter no mínimo 5 anos de experiência em funções relevantes para a sua área académica, preferencialmente executivos, dirigentes e quadros médios, que pretendam melhorar ou atualizar as suas competências na área da inovação/empreendedorismo.
  • É necessário conhecimentos de língua inglesa, já que algumas das unidades curriculares serão lecionadas neste idioma.
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