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Early Bird Registration
Exclusive for first applications
-25% on the total tuition fee
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Early Bird Registration
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-20% on the total tuition fee
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Early Bird Registration
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-15% on the total tuition fee
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com o apoio
supported by
Mestrado Executivo
Executive Master's
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Inovação e Empreendedorismo

Innovation and

10.142€ (with merit scholarship)
com o apoio
supported by
Mestrado Executivo
Executive Master's
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Inovação e Empreendedorismo

Innovation and

10.142€ (with merit scholarship)
October 2025
October 2025 to October 2026
Starts on October 22
Carcavelos, Lisboa
Carcavelos, Lisboa
emlyon (Lyon)
Nova SBE (Portugal)
University St. Gallen (Switzerland)
Nova SBE Executive Education (Portugal)
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (Netherlands)
European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noordwijk (Netherlands)
12 months

Two semesters

Curricular units (1st semester)

Thursday to Saturday, 8.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m, once a month

Project Work (2nd semester)

Autonomous work with the support of supervisor in a blended learning system

About this program


Drastic changes in the world can generate gains and losses for the economy, and opportunities for entrepreneurs who know how to exploit them. More than creating products, an entrepreneur must be able to develop business models, leaving their mark on society.
The Executive Master's in Innovation and Entrepreneurship aims to train managers and leaders capable of questioning, discovering and creating, contributing to the development of their businesses and the economy. Taking advantage of the entire innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Portugal and Nova SBE's position, concepts and processes will be developed that will contribute to transforming practice in companies.

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Why choose this program

For you

  • Use the skills and mindset of entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of your organization
  • Create disruptive business models based on a customer-centric culture
  • Understand the main currents and philosophies of thought that characterize innovation and entrepreneurship and how they affect business
  • Identify new opportunities to create value or test new customer relationship models
  • Use the skills and mindset of entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of your organization
  • Create disruptive business models based on a customer-centric culture
  • Understand the main currents and philosophies of thought that characterize innovation and entrepreneurship and how they affect business
  • Identify new opportunities to create value or test new customer relationship models
  • Use the skills and mindset of entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of your organization
  • Create disruptive business models based on a customer-centric culture
  • Understand the main currents and philosophies of thought that characterize innovation and entrepreneurship and how they affect business
  • Identify new opportunities to create value or test new customer relationship models

For your organization

  • Develop catalysts for change, innovation and transformation within their organizations
  • Contribute to the development of skills that increase the competitiveness, innovation, motivation, intrapreneurship and productivity of organizations' human resources
  • Understand the main trends in thinking that characterize innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Develop catalysts for change, innovation and transformation within their organizations
  • Contribute to the development of skills that increase the competitiveness, innovation, motivation, intrapreneurship and productivity of organizations' human resources
  • Understand the main trends in thinking that characterize innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Develop catalysts for change, innovation and transformation within their organizations
  • Contribute to the development of skills that increase the competitiveness, innovation, motivation, intrapreneurship and productivity of organizations' human resources
  • Understand the main trends in thinking that characterize innovation and entrepreneurship

Participant profile

  • Develop catalysts for change, innovation and transformation within their organizations
  • Contribute to the development of skills that increase the competitiveness, innovation, motivation, intrapreneurship and productivity of organizations' human resources
  • Understand the main trends in thinking that characterize innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Develop catalysts for change, innovation and transformation within their organizations
  • Contribute to the development of skills that increase the competitiveness, innovation, motivation, intrapreneurship and productivity of organizations' human resources
  • Understand the main trends in thinking that characterize innovation and entrepreneurship

What are the advantages of attending an Executive Master's Degree?

Online training

What are the advantages of attending an online program?


Obtenção do grau de Mestre

Flexibilidade e Adaptabilidade

Formação ao longo de 12 meses em horário compatível


Formação na melhor escola de executivos em Portugal (RANKING FINANCIAL TIMES 2023)

Corpo docente de Excelência

Professores com currículo extraordinário e vasta experiência profissional nos mais variados setores

Para além da sala de aula

Projeto final em formato blended (combinação de sessões online e presenciais) aplicado a desafios empresariais reais


Integração numa vasta rede de antigos alunos Nova SBE com benefícios e acessos exclusivos


Obtaining the degree of Master

Flexibility and Adaptability

Training over 12 months at a compatible time


Training at the best executive school in Portugal (RANKING FINANCIAL TIMES 2023)

Faculty Excellence

Teachers with extraordinary and vast curriculum professional experience in a wide range of sectors

Beyond the Classroom

Final project in blended format (combination of online and face-to-face sessions) applied to real business challenges


Integration into a vast network of Nova SBE alumni with exclusive benefits and access

What people say about this program


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Excellence in connecting to the business world.

Get to know some of our partners:

Merit scholarships

At Nova SBE, we recognise and support professionals with the ambition to make an impact on their organisations and society. If your purpose is to lead effectively and invest in your personal and professional growth, this opportunity is for you!

Apply for the Executive Master's Merit Scholarship programme at the time of your application and benefit from support to take the next step in your career.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


  • Only candidates from accredited or recognized schools in their countries of origin will be admitted.
  • Candidates from Bachelor's programs with an academic degree in Management, Economics, Finance, Technologies, Engineering, Design and Architecture, Social Sciences, or other related scientific areas are accepted.
  • Candidates must have at least 5 years of experience in functions relevant to their academic area, preferably executives, managers, and middle management who wish to improve or update their skills in innovation/entrepreneurship.
  • English language skills are required as some of the curricular units will be taught in English.
  • Apenas serão admitidos/as candidatos/as oriundos de escolas acreditadas ou reconhecidas nos países de origem.
  • São aceites candidatos de programas de licenciatura com um grau académico em áreas científicas Gestão, Economia, Finanças, Tecnologias, Engenharia, Design e Arquitetura, Ciência Sociais, ou outras afins.
  • Os/as candidatos/as devem ter no mínimo 5 anos de experiência em funções relevantes para a sua área académica, preferencialmente executivos, dirigentes e quadros médios, que pretendam melhorar ou atualizar as suas competências na área da inovação/empreendedorismo.
  • É necessário conhecimentos de língua inglesa, já que algumas das unidades curriculares serão lecionadas neste idioma.
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